Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ready, Set, PREPARE!

So my one of my previous posts, located HERE, focused mainly on how time is essentially sold to the highest bidder, aka your employer. Sticking with the same theme, let's take a look at the common cycle that we, as humans, go through within our lives.

  • Preschool prepares you for Kindergarten
  • Kindergarten prepares you for Grade School
  • Grade School prepares you for Middle School
  • Middle School prepares you for High School
  • High School prepares you for College
  • College prepares you for your "Real World Job"
  • The Real World Job prepares you for Retirement
  • Retirement... well... I think you're seeing the pattern

In our lives, we are constantly being told that we have to prepare for the next step. People are running their lives based on the belief that their actions will benefit them later down the road. As all of us know, things do not always turn out how we plan them. All of this preparation, while serving as a means to help us grow, is also hindering us beyond measure.

Now, stay with me here, we're going to take this a step further. Let's take into account the fact that not everyone makes it to retirement. It's kind of a dark subject, but death is real and needs to be factored in. If we are constantly preparing for the next thing, we may not be living our lives to the fullest. For those of us that DO die before we reach retirement, that means we wasted what little time we had here preparing for something that never even happened. Imagine saving money for something. Lets call it Item A. You are so obsessed with saving for Item A, that you completely ignore everything else you could be buying. Now imagine being close to having enough for Item A, and suddenly they stop selling it. (I guess you'll have to factor in a life without ebay as well haha) But what a waste huh? You could have been enjoying things all that time you were saving for Item A.

I guess what I'm really trying to get at here is that sometimes we need to stop ourselves and enjoy what we are doing at the moment. Don't like what you are doing at the moment, change it! If you knew the exact day you were going to die, would you act differently? Instead of a constant preparation would you spend more time doing what makes you happy? Well, I hate to be the one to have to tell you this, but you are going to die one day. We all are, sooner or later.

Act accordingly...     

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