Thursday, October 4, 2012

That's News To Me

In light of the presidential debate last night, I found myself compelled to watch the news this morning. I turned it on and flipped through a few of the news stations. I tend to keep an opened mind when it comes to the news. You never can truly trust whether you are getting the full story, or if they are spoon feeding you what they want you to see.

Several news broadcasts claimed Obama had won the debate last night, others claimed Romney. Some said they both had done damage to themselves. I'm not here to endorse either candidate (Because I don't) nor am I here to break down the debate. I'm simply commenting on how the media works in this country.

Perhaps you watched the debate last night, perhaps not. If you tune to your local news channel you will find them undoubtedly talking about it. My advice, if you are interested, turn off the news and watch the debate yourself. Allow yourself to formulate your own opinions. Whether you know it or not, the media is influencing your opinion on the subject.

Back in the 1950's the Asch Conformity Experiments were conducted. For a full breakdown of the experiment you can go HERE. Basically the experiment found that a person will make an incorrect decision even when he/she knows it is wrong, when others are around influencing it. Seventy-Five percent of participants gave one or more incorrect answers when influenced by the group. Denying even your most basic instincts, you, for whatever reason, have a high chance to change an answer you would give just to fit in..

So how does this tie into the media? If the media is telling you that 84% of Americans feel a certain way, or 70% of people are currently performing an action, in general you will start to gravitate towards it. Whether it be conscious or subconscious.

Don't let the media tell you how to think or what to do. Formulate your own opinions on things.    

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